
Is buying cosmetics at the pharmacy the best option?

Is buying cosmetics at the pharmacy the best option?

The emergence of skin imperfections related to aging, environmental factors, or skin diseases is more common than one might think.

When it comes to skin, it is often considered merely an aesthetic aspect, something to be underestimated. One then resorts to outdated remedies or grandmother's solutions, trying to alleviate discomfort without considering the possible functional implications. If all things related to the skin were so simple to resolve, there would be no need for dermatologists.

The skin is our largest organ: its main function is to protect our body from external agents and it sends us signals regarding what happens inside us. Every small change in our skin is a signal that the body sends us to draw our attention. 

"An organ so crucial deserves all our care and improving its appearance must also equate to taking care of its function. For this reason, going to the pharmacy to buy a cosmetic can be one of the best options to consider."

Ithe cosmetic sector has experienced a strong surge in recent years: not only thanks to the power of social media but especially due to the increased need for care and prevention that we have developed in the era of global epidemics. 

Skincare actually means not only taking care of our appearance but also finding a more holistic well-being, which also involves the mental sphere and well-being in general. For this reason, the cosmetics that are produced today are often functional: the active ingredients contained in them work synergistically to solve various types of problems or to prevent their occurrence. 

Creams and serums can be considered on par with medications, but even if they do not have therapeutic properties, it must be said that the use of a quality cosmetic can prove essential in multiple situations to prevent the onset of problems or to soothe the effects of a skin condition.

People go to the pharmacy in search of functional, quality cosmetics that can actively intervene on the skin condition to the point of modifying it: cosmeceutical science is capable of acting on cells by altering their functioning and restoring the skin balance that has been lost. 

The choice of cosmetics in the pharmacy 

Entering a pharmacy and finding oneself in front of the dermocosmetic sector, which is increasingly vast, often means facing cosmetics of all types, from various brands, all boasting exceptional properties and a wealth of information. How to choose the right cosmetic? Feeling bewildered in front of such a wide selection is natural; scientific knowledge in the field may not be adequate, and that is why referring to experienced staff is an ideal solution.

Some people unfortunately rely on what they find online and often opt for a product that seems miraculous without knowing its contraindications or having the appropriate information. By drawing on misleading or advertising texts, one can be disappointed for not having achieved the right result or worse, one can encounter skin problems. 

choose a cosmetic in the pharmacy

Buying a cosmetic at the pharmacy is the best solution for many reasons, first and foremost the availability of trained staff and sincere, honest, and professional advice. 

The competent pharmacist plays a fundamental role, that is, the role of a person capable of recommending the best treatment in a completely personalized manner. Furthermore, a trusted pharmacist, having the technical skills, can advise on the best cosmetics while avoiding those that boast functional properties or misleading percentages of active ingredients.

Suitable percentages of actives that can truly address existing issues are available on the market and can often be considered genuine treatments to be used for prevention, during acute situations, and as agents capable of selectively modifying the skin to achieve the set goals. For this reason, the cosmeceutical sector needs reference figures like pharmacists who can provide appropriate advice.

For cosmeceutical products, in fact, there is still no legislation, which is why many of these engage in marketing actions that make them appear almost as if they were drugs: it is true that some active ingredients contained in them can interact with skin physiological processes more effectively than simpler cosmetics, but they should not be understood as drugs. Knowing the sector or relying on those who have the right knowledge becomes essential to avoid encountering products that can give a distorted perception of oneself; sometimes the power of marketing is more effective than that of the active ingredients. 

The methods of use and the application of certain cosmetics are also important to respect: understanding how to use them best is essential to achieve the desired results, almost like a medical advice on how and when to take a certain medication.

Fortunately, the best product is recommended by pharmacists, who know the true composition of most cosmetics available in pharmacies and can therefore prescribe the appropriate treatment.

The pharmacist plays a very important role and is qualified to provide assistance and support to the customer by recommending the best dermatologically tested, safe, and effective treatment.