
New scenarios in the cosmetic sector: purchasing trends in pharmacies

New scenarios in the cosmetic sector: purchasing trends in pharmacies

Anyone operating in this sector must, as a first thing, take into account a substantial factor: today, consumers are more aware, thanks to the many available digital channels, and they recognize the crucial role of personal care and its association with a healthy lifestyle. The self-care it has become a routine against the daily stress caused by work and private life.

It can indeed be said that people are looking for products with effective formulations, specific with a minimal packaging or recyclable, and they place fundamental attention on the prevention of imperfections and various issues. Topics such as health and well-being have become essential in recent years, and not alone. Attention to environmental, social, and economic sustainability, along with the reduction of consumption, is another indispensable prerogative for both consumers and producers. 

An interesting fact to note is that despite the amount of information available online and the great familiarity with product selection, more and more people they choose to have a human contact, to be advised. The possibility of an immediate response, of specific advice given by a professional who is considered reliable and competent increasingly leads consumers to rely on the advice of influencers and pharmacists. 

An interesting fact to display? 36% of people "declares its interest in the possibility of receiving advice and guidance on dermatological issues at the pharmacy."

In this context, the data reported by the 2022 Pharmacy Cosmetics Group Barometer fits in, which analyzed the cosmetic market within the pharmacy channel. This sell-out data is useful and often essential for those working in this sector and, as we have seen, is personally involved. cosmetics, as can be seen from the increase in pharmacy purchase volume of +2.7%, other interesting trends have been identified that are emerging within both direct sales and e-commerce. It has indeed been highlighted an increase in the demand for loyalty programs and more transparent communication channels that provide additional information and useful tips, such as websites and blogs. 

It must be said that the trends we are striving to analyze should be contextualized in a post-pandemic period in which well-being has extended to all levels and has also included a beauty routine that has become more minimalist and essential, suitable for those who want to enhance the natural beauty of the skin and address the imperfections of time and more.

"It can be easily deduced that the tools to reach the public are not lacking, just as those to respond to needs related to personalized consultations. In this sense, the number of pharmacies specialized in dermatological diseases will increase (currently at 60%) along with the increase in advanced skin and hair diagnostic tools (owned by 49% of pharmacies in the area)." 

Direct selling is set to make big numbers. "Only if the staff and the pharmacies themselves make an effort to make a difference and indicate to the customer the loyalty programs in place, along with providing information through digital channels. 24% of consumers visit the pharmacy's website specifically to read articles on health and wellness, with useful prevention tips, while 50% use it for booking services or products." 

The trend of ecommerce and theonline purchase "goes hand in hand with that of the trusted pharmacy, contrary to what one might think in a hyper-technological era like the modern one, which is why it is necessary to leverage both channels and better direct the public towards consultation and personalization. Alongside the need to receive valid telemedicine services that allow for an essential advancement of the sector, it is therefore fundamental to rediscover the importance of the trusted pharmacy regarding the cosmetic sector." 

The analyzed trends must be used for this: they are a way to understand the choices of the public and better position the strategies of the cosmetic industry, which, however, is inserted into a broader context that concerns the well-being and health of skin, body, and mind. 

The red thread that connects my work and will continue to do so. I firmly believe that cosmetics still has many possibilities and innovations to implement, and looking at the data allows me to get a general picture and channel the innovative strategies that I aim to implement.